


Colour- Meditation- Qi Gong Classes.

Elemental Qi Gong is a progressive approach to Qi gong that incorporates classic styles and philosophies with modern body mind and energy concepts. The approach explores body and Chi awareness as a way to deepen into our internal Chi flow through movement, stillness, meditation and breath. A creative space is sought to allow our essential nature to express itself and bring about transformation. The approach emphasizes the five elements as the foundations of

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese form of movement exercise that promotes the flow of Chi (vital energy) through the body.
It translates as ‘energy work’ in English and comprises exercises for stretching and mobilising the body and joints, breathing techniques, slow movement exercises, static postures, special walking methods and meditation. With time and dedicated practice an easy and effortless quality emerges.

Chi is the body’s vital energy which Qi Gong builds up to establish a physiological and psychological harmony. Most of the theory behind Qi Gong is common to Chinese Medicine with which it has a traditional link. Qi Gong is also associated with Taoist and Buddhist philosophies and practices, particularly Taoist.

Qi Gong generally does not have complex ‘forms’. Qi Gong movements are simple. Each action aims to move Chi in a specific way. The movements often take their inspiration from the movement of animals and nature and can look quite beautiful. Sometimes the movements follow energy channels in the body and sometimes they orient around internal organs or parts of the body. The aim in all the movements is to increase the flow of Chi through the mind and body.

(Ged Sumner.”You are how you move”.)


Classes include  working with Colour Meditations, using the Elemental and Dragon essences, while exploring the Five Elements below:-

Fire Element
Water Element
Earth Element
Wood Element
Metal Element

Air Element – Chi Spheres
Internal Alchemy
Central Channels
Internal & External Fields

8 Brocades form.

The workshops are suitable for beginners and for those with some experience of Qi Gong.
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese form of movement exercise that promotes the flow of chi (vital energy) through the body. It translates as ‘energy work’ in English and comprises exercises for stretching and mobilising the body and joints, breathing techniques, slow movement exercises, static postures, special walking methods and meditation. With time and dedicated practice an easy and effortless quality emerges.
Chi is the body’s vital energy which Qi Gong builds up to establish a physiological and psychological harmony. Most of the theory behind Qi Gong is common to Chinese medicine with which it has a traditional link. Qi Gong is also associated with Taoist and Buddhist philosophies and practices, particularly Taoist.
Qi Gong generally does not have complex ‘forms’. The movements are simple. Each action aims to move chi in a specific way. The movements often take their inspiration from the movement of animals and nature and can look quite beautiful. Sometimes the movements follow energy channels in the body and sometimes they orient around internal organs or parts of the body. The aim in all the movements is to increase the flow of chi through the mind and body. If you get pain then chi is blocked.
Elemental Qi Gong is a progressive approach to Qi Gong that incorporates classic styles and philosophies with modern body, mind and energy concepts. The approach explores body and chi awareness as a way to deepen into our internal chi flow through movement, stillness, meditation, and breath. A creative space is sought to allow our essential nature to express itself and bring about transformation. The approach emphasises the five elements as the foundations of Qi Gong. 




Qi Gong is a graceful and ancient system of maintaining one’s mind, body and spirit. 


 Qi Gong/Tai Chi application in daily life: Once we learn how to be grounded, relaxed and fluid in dealing with external physical forces in our practice, we can apply these principles to help us overcome negative inner forces, addictions and weaknesses by being grounded, relaxed, fluid and all powerful.

In the beginners course, emphasis will be on the alignment of the bones, pelvic rotation and movement, arms, legs and feet placement. As the students progresses, they will  have a deeper understanding of Meditiation, Qi Gong /Tai Chi principles and movements.

Practice equipment: Tai chi and Qi Gong does not require special equipment. Clothing should be comfortable and lose enough to allow free range of motion. When practicing on concrete floors, wearing shoes is recommended. The practice of Qi Gong release toxins and clears blockages from the inner organs of the body. Please bring a bottle of water to drink during the class to help flush out the toxins that’s released during the session.

After session care: Please listen to your body and rest when necessary and drink plenty of water to continue flushing out toxins. Practice regularly and eat organic food where possible. Avoid contaminating your body with shampoos, deodorants, shower gels etc. that contain harmful chemicals and toxins, read labels on everything! Toxins which we absorb through the skin is just as damaging to our bodies as any toxic food we ingest.


  Chi Sphere!…………………………

Qi Gong energy healing Spheres can be used in one to one healings. You can even make your own chi sphere, with a little practice and imagine it to be a little like this photo except you are holding it within your hands! A ball of chi… which you can place around another person to perform healing.



Qi (Chi) – A Scientific View.

Modern science tells us that the human organism is not just a physical structure made of molecules. Like everything else, we are composed of energy fields, Albert Einstein has provided the proof. We are moving our concepts out of the world of static solid form into a world of dynamic field energies.

Almost a century ago (1905) Albert Einstein totally turned the world of physics, which was based on Newtonian principles, upside down, when he proposed his theory of relativity. His equation E=MC² predicted that matter (as mass) and energy are equivalent, which made possible the atomic bomb; he also predicted the opposite; energy could be converted to matter. Physicists are exploring the edge of quantum theory and subatomic particles, and are “shaking up” our ideas of reality. It is now widely accepted that matter and energy are not separate, discrete states, but on a continuum from lower (matter) to higher (energy) frequencies.

This is precisely qigong’s belief for thousands of years, that matter and qi (energy) were transformable. That is when unorganised qi arrives in the body, an unwanted growth can result, when organised qi arrives in the body that abnormal growth will disappear, a basis of qigong healing.


For Local Beginners Classes or One to One, – Tel:  ( answer phone)

Email me : carol@colourvibes.co.uk     ………..  for details of Classes and Venues.

600_379590072Note: Classes are on hold for the moment as I am moving home, to a different county.

https://www.facebook.com/sarumQigong/or email………………………………..
