We have a physiological response to colour.

Nature has provided us with Colour to feed both the body and the spirit. It nourishes our whole system supplying a vital energy that is an essential and wonderful part of life.
As highly colourful beings our forms are made up of ever changing vibrating colours and we respond to colour actively and passively in all that we do.

The human brain associates colours with where they are seen in nature.

Light waves affect us every minute of our lives and penetrate our energetic system whether we are awake or asleep, sighted or blind. Blind people can choose colours by their different vibrations and energy.

Rainbow Ribbon, colourful, ribbon, abstact, black, colors, colours, rainbow, light, HD wallpaper

These coloured rays affect not only our bodies but our emotions, moods and mental attitudes, but also our growth, blood pressure, body temperature, sleep patterns, muscular activity and our immune system .
Certain colours can  increase metabolism, or cause eyestrain…while others are healing, calming or appetite supressors.
Artists and interior designers have long understood how colour can dramatically affect moods, feelings and emotions. It is a powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions.

But colour doesn’t just have an impact on the physical body, it also affects our moods and emotions. Every day we go to the wardrobe and choose colour in clothing that makes us feel safe (blue), in power (black or red ), in love (pink).  We choose colours in our home that makes us feel good and we find ourselves drawn to different colours in nature.  Making these choices are natural and personal.
All over the world it is recognised that each colour has a meaning, and Colour Practitioners use this information to access the reasons behind our issues and dramas relating to money, relationships, career, weight and ill health.The basis of good health revolves around balance and harmony in both the body and mind which is where Chakra healing can be beneficial.


The Magic of Colour .

We as human beings cannot live without colour. Colour is inextricably bound up with light. All living things are dependant upon light ,as are our cells and the cells of plants and animals. We are affected  by the most subtle changes in the qualities of light. During the winter months with the sunshine and light replaced by grey colourless skies, we can easily become depressed.

Colour comes to us magically upon the Earth (Gaia) in the form of flowers, trees, sunsets, moonlight and rivers as well as the beautiful tropical underwater life . Unfortunately we sometimes loose sight of the beauty and colours, bogged down by our work environment and artificial lighting, so that we yearn for the clear bright blue skies and natural light. Therefore it is very important for everyone to ground themselves in nature as often as possible, simply by walking, gardening, cycling or by just simply.. being…silent….at one with nature.

It is important to recharge our batteries with natural colours as often as possible. Colours reflect how we are feeling. Someone wearing Pink comes across as relaxed, caring and loving , blue has a calming, comforting affect whereas blacks and greys are confusing as they can represent wanting to hide, power dressing, mystery, aloof or depression. The colours we choose to wear speak volumes about our attitudes, our feelings and our  behaviour. Colour is synonymous with joy and with life. It is also a symbol of our emotions at the best and worst of times.
Colour in the home is very necessary to help with relaxation, enjoyment and generally need to be uplifting especially in the workplace.

Often when we are travelling or on holiday the colours seem more vibrant, more intense possibly because we become more aware as we tune in to the vibrations of the colour around us.

Colour therapy goes back to the earliest of time, when people believed the sun was the source of life and therefore the colours were considered vital messengers. Colour has been used for  many centuries for healing in many different forms and it combines work with subtle energies which touch us at the core….enhancing physical and emotional well being and happiness.

Colour therapy utilises full spectrum colours to help re-balance and energise the body on all levels physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.

Colour therapists base their work on the seven main colours of the spectrum, which are the colours of the rainbow. Each colour is related to one of the chakras and each of these coloured centres feeds different parts of the body. When we become tired and stressed we are literally ‘off colour’.

We can liken the chakras to coloured batteries. When our batteries are charged we feel good and are operating on top form, when they are running on low, we operate sluggishly – hence we are ‘off colour’. If we allow this state to continue we will become run down and unwell. We need to recharge our batteries by absorbing the colour or colours we are in need of. Through the application of the correct colour our batteries are boosted bringing us back into balance and harmony.


 Chakra Healing.

Colour therapy and aura healing are used to treat fatigue, enhance creativity, improve concentration and reduce the signs and symptoms of various health problems. The Aura is made up of seven different fields of the body called Meridians or “Chakras”, which are represented by different colours. During a healing session the chakra bottles are placed along the body of the client on each chakra meridian and each point is then assessed.  If the client has a blockage in one particular meridian they can then choose to take a bottle to bathe in, meditate with, or use a spritzer daily to release the blocked energy and create energy flowing in harmony once again. Most clients will agree it is a very gentle relaxing therapy !


There are  15 Chakra bottles to work with in healing sessions and for raising your vibration.




Colour Visualisation.
Using your mind by directing the colour to certain areas of the body through your thought waves can be very successful at healing serious health problems simply by focusing on the effected cells, although this takes practise.  Concentrating or meditating on a specific colour can improve concentration  making thought waves stronger. It can also aid relaxation and sleep.
Visualisation techniques have been used by patients successfully in diseases where conventional medicine had failed, amazing doctors by their power of recovery and  thus proving that the mind can affect the body. Our etheric body is an exact duplicate of the physical body but vibrates at a much higher lighter rate than the heavier denser physical body, therefore being invisible to the naked eye. If we can change the vibration patterns in the etheric, the physical body will also take on the new pattern. We must visualise what we do want and not what we do not want, positivity and not negativity, perfect state or perfect health.


Colour Healing.
Colour therapy is based  on the seven main colours of the spectrum, which are the colours of the rainbow. Each colour is related to one of the Chakras and each of these coloured centres feeds different parts of the body. When we become tired and stressed we are literally “off colour”.

We can liken the chakras to coloured batteries. When our batteries are charged we feel good and are operating on top form, when they are running on low, we operate sluggishly – hence we are “off colour”. If we allow this state to continue we will become run down and unwell. We need to recharge our batteries by introducing the colour or colours we need . Through the application of the correct colour our batteries are boosted , bringing us back into balance and harmony.
Colour therapy utilises full spectrum colours to help re-balance & energise the body on all levels physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.

Colour Vibrations.
Colour healing is about the properties of light. It is not about pigment, it’s about energy. Colour is the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Apparently Hippocrates, Paracelsus and the ancient Egyptians all used colour for healing.

Colour healers believed you can heal the body by applying coloured light to it. This is because you have an “aura” (a coloured electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. The colours radiate from “chakras”, or energy centres in the aura). Each part of your body, from the skeleton to the muscles and organs “vibrates “to one of these colours. When you’re “off colour” it’s because these vibrations have somehow gone off kilter. An area of your aura will be either colourless or vibrating to the wrong colour. So by applying the right colour to the bit of you that’s unwell, you can readjust the vibrations and heal the illness.

We know that the cells of the human body are constructed from atoms and that each atom consists of particles of energy in constant motion. We are therefore at the most fundamental level made of energy and information, so when we add a particular colour we are adding energy into our lives.

Colour is light. It throws light on issues and shows you what you’ve not spotted in yourself. Talents, gifts and hidden strengths, as well as the deep set issues and emotions that may be making you ill. Colour  can help you to bring the issues to consciousness, to dissolve and flush out if you choose.

You will emerge from a consultation with a feeling of freshness and a sense of authentic power that is exciting and very new.


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