Working with the high frequency Lemurian Dragon Colour Essences .
The Lemurian Dragon essences are a much higher frequency than that of the Rainbow Dragon essences, and not everyone will be ready to experience them. They were channelled to me in 2016 and I have enjoyed working with them and experiencing their healing properties. They are forceful, powerful but gentle, loving and grounding at the same time. No more procrastonating, time for action! Are you ready to release those stubborn blocks and deal with your shadow work ? Are you ready to change your life and take a leap of faith? To prepare you for the Lemurian energy I recommend you work with the Rainbow Dragons and Elementals first.
If you are interested please contact me at :
I Day Workshop: Rainbow dragons and the Elementals.
Introduction to the Dragons and the Elementals.
Meet all 9 dragons in a experiential day of discovery. Each one has its own unique energy and character along with a deep level of healing, balanced with the Elementals of Gaia. With the help of these essences we can get another perspective on our lives and maybe begin to see it clearly as just another step in our evolution.
Click Here to order: Cost £80. for the day...Rainboe Dragon 1 Day workshop: Order Here: .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Coming soon:
1 Day Workshop : Introduction to the Galactic Elemental Dragons.
Meet the 7 Galactic Lemurian Elemental Dragons.This is an experiential journey of nature and dragons bringing expansion and magic into your life.
Click Here to order: Cost £80. for the day..

Lemurian Elementals.
2 Day workshop:
Meet the transitional 13 Lemurian Chakra Dragons split over 2 days.
This is a new system of Lemurian Dragon essences , a set of 12 Chakra Essences with the addition of the very special, 13th Chakra , dragon essence. Travelling from the 1st chakra bottle – introducing you to Hollow Earth , with the dark green of moldavite, on up to the13th chakra – opening the Galactic centre / womb of the Universe.
These essences are of the 7th dimension and enable us to transition to our new alignment.
“Transcendence is the act of rising above something to a superior state. …” When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations.
The Lemurian dragon workshops are only for those who have completed the Rainbow and Elemental workshop. In order to work with the Lemurian dragons it is very important that you allow time to integrate, heal and adjust to the Rainbow dragon energy first. Therefore you will be expected to work with the essences for a couple of weeks before advancing to the Lemurians.
Cost £80. per day =Total £160.00 discount for the two days = £150 paid in advance. To confirm your place all fees must be paid one week before event.
Click Here to order: 2 Day workshop.
…ClicCk Co order: ……………..
As highly colourful beings our forms are made up of ever changing vibrating colours and we respond to colour actively and passively in all that we do.
Everyone of us has the subconscious knowledge of what we need to heal. To access that knowledge, our sixth sense, we need a way to enable the subconscious to speak.
Colour Mirrors is an energy therapy which helps to release those blocks, enabling our fears to come to the conscious mind and be healed.
Lemurian Dragon Essences .
“Transcendence is the act of rising above something to a superior state. …When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations. “
“Transitional lemurian 13 Chakra Dragon Essences”.
Travelling from the 1st chakra bottle – introducing you to Hollow Earth , with the dark green of moldavite, on up to the13th chakra – opening the Galactic centre / womb of the Universe.
These dragons are powerful, no nonsense essences which you instantly connect with as soon as you meet them! You may be pushed out of your comfort zone but at the same time the dragons are compassionate, full of divine love, forceful yet gentle and grounding, allowing you to clear deep energy blockages, which can cause pain and discomfort in the chakra meridians.
The 7 Galactic Elemental Dragons. (7th Dimension)
From the left. No 1 – 7. Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Ice Dragon.
Essences channelled by Carol Hastings.
Please Note: (These dragon essences are only available through the workshops.)
Colour Reflections
Colour Mirrors (TM) Oils and Essences.
The chance to meet your dragon…. …………
Working with the high frequency Dragon Colour Essences.
If you are interested please contact me at :
Dragon Essences. Click Here to buy.